How to Update Your App Store Connect Profile via the Crowdbotics Dashboard

Learn More about Using Crowdbotics and App Store Connect

Keeping your App Store Connect information up-to-date is crucial for successful app management and distribution. Crowdbotics simplifies this process by allowing you to manage your app details directly from their dashboard. This article will guide you through updating your App Store Connect profile using the Crowdbotics platform.

Accessing the Settings:

  1. Log into your Crowdbotics Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the "App Settings" section
  3. Select the "App Store Connect" tab


Updating iOS Settings: Once in the App Store Connect section, you'll see a list of fields to complete. Let's break down each section:



  1. App Information:
    • App Name: Enter your app's name (required)
    • App ID: Automatically generated 
    • Bundle ID: Your app's unique identifier
    • SKU: Stock Keeping Unit for your app
    • Subtitle: A brief description of your app
    • Primary Language: Select your app's main language (required)
    • Privacy Policy URL: A URL that links to your privacy policy. A privacy policy is required for all apps.
    • Content Rights: If your app contains, shows, or accesses any third-party content, you must have the rights to it or be permitted to use the content.  (required)
    • App Icon: Upload your app icon (required, must be at least 72 DPI, 1024x1024 pixels, in RGB color space)
    • Screenshots: Upload at least 2 screenshots (required, must be 5.5 inches or 6.5 inches)
  2. Category:
    • Primary Category: Select your app's main category (required)
    • Secondary Category: Choose an additional category  (required)
    • User Access: Specify user access settings (required)
    • Age Rating: Set the appropriate age rating for your app (required)
  3. Version Information:
    • Promotional Text: Promotional text lets you inform your App Store visitors of any current app features without requiring an updated submission. This text will appear above your description on the App Store for customers with devices running iOS 11 or later, and macOS 10.13 or later. (required)
    • Description: A description of your app, detailing features and functionality. (required)
    • Marketing URL: A URL with marketing information about your app. This URL will be visible on the App Store.
    • Support URL: A URL with support information for your app. This URL will be visible on the App Store.  (required)
    • Copyright: The name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights to your app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (for example, '2008 Acme Inc.'). Do not provide a URL. (required)
    • Keywords: Include one or more keywords that describe your app. Keywords make App Store search results more accurate. Separate keywords with an English comma, Chinese comma, or a mix of both. (required)
  4. Contact Details:
    • First Name: Enter the contact person's first name (required)
    • Last Name: Enter the contact person's last name (required)
    • Phone Number: Provide a contact phone number (required)
    • Email Address: Enter a contact email address (required)
    • Demo Username: Provide a demo account username (required)
    • Demo Password: Provide a demo account password (required)
  5. Data Privacy & Collection:
    • "0 Data Types Selected", indicating no data privacy or collection settings have been configured yet.
    • Click the "Edit" button to expand this section and input relevant information about your app's data collection practices.
    • Select the types of data your app collects, if any.

Saving and Submitting: After filling out the necessary information, click the "Save" button in the top right corner of the page. This action will sync your updated details with App Store Connect.

Conclusion: Managing your App Store Connect profile through the Crowdbotics dashboard streamlines the app development and deployment process. By keeping this information current, including accurate data privacy disclosures, you ensure that your app's listing is accurate and compliant with Apple's standards. Regularly review and update these details to maintain a professional and effective presence on the App Store.

Remember, the Crowdbotics platform offers this convenient feature to simplify your app management workflow. Take advantage of this integration to save time and maintain consistency across your app development and distribution channels.