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Transfer Your App on the App Store

Are you looking to transfer your app on the App Store to another account? Follow these steps to seamlessly transfer your app while keeping it available for download and maintaining its reviews and ratings.

1. Verify Transfer Eligibility

Before initiating the transfer, ensure that your app meets all the criteria for transferability outlined by Apple.

2. Back Up App Information

As the app will be removed from your account post-transfer, it's crucial to back up all relevant information about the app.

3. Initiate Transfer

The membership Account Holder of your current account initiates the transfer process.

4. Accept Transfer

The receiving Account Holder accepts the transfer to complete the process.

Additional Information

  • Bundle ID Retention: Note that the app maintains its Bundle ID throughout and after the transfer, which cannot be changed once a build has been uploaded.
  • Submission of Apple ID and Team ID: Please send your Apple ID and Team ID to support@crowdbotics.com to facilitate the transfer process.

For deeper insights and detailed instructions, feel free to explore Apple's official documentation.