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Transfer Your App on the Google Play Store

Transferring apps to a different developer account on Google Play involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Review Policy Guidelines and Service Fee Tier Ensure that your original account and all apps comply with Google Play's policy guidelines. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the service fee tier, especially if you're enrolled in the 15% service fee tier.

Step 2: Download Reports You May Need Later Before initiating the transfer, download any reports related to your apps' users, download statistics, ratings and reviews, content ratings, and store listing information. Remember that bulk export reports, payout reports, and earnings reports won't transfer with the app.

Step 3: Confirm Account Registration and Activity Both your original and target Google Play developer accounts must be registered and active. Make sure you can sign in to your original account, and verify that your target account's registration is complete.

Step 4: Obtain the Target Account Transaction ID You'll need the registration transaction ID for both your account and the target account. Search for the transaction ID in the target account owner's email inbox or Google Payments account. If you can't locate it, follow the provided instructions to find the transaction ID.

Step 5: Submit Your Transfer Request Once you've completed the previous steps, you're ready to submit your transfer request. The request will be sent to the target developer for review and approval. Google's support team will also review and respond to transfer requests within 2 business days.

Please note that to proceed with the Google Play transfer, you'll need a Gmail account and the transaction ID associated with your target account's registration. Please send them to support@crowdbotics.com.

For more detailed instructions and additional information, you can refer to Google's official documentation here.