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Understanding Roles and Permissions in Crowdbotics

In Crowdbotics applications, roles and permissions are essential components that define the level of access and the actions that users can perform within the system. Proper configuration and understanding of these roles ensure that users can efficiently collaborate while maintaining data security and integrity. This article provides an overview of the different roles and their corresponding permissions, particularly focusing on the Tasks page.

User Roles

Crowdbotics defines several user roles, each with specific permissions that control what users can view, edit, create, or delete within the application. Here is a breakdown of the primary roles:

  1. Owner
  2. Admin
  3. Sales
  4. Finance
  5. Collaborator
  6. Member

Each role has distinct permissions to ensure that users only have access to the functions necessary for their responsibilities.

Role-Specific Permissions

Permissions are categorized based on the functionality they control. Below is a detailed look at the permissions for each role:


  • Basic Info: Owners can view most project-related information but have limited edit and creation capabilities. For instance, they can view project types, design requirements, build stages, and access types but cannot edit or create new entries for these categories.
  • PRD (Product Requirement Document): Owners can browse the catalog, add custom groups, and view PRD groups and items. However, their ability to edit or delete is restricted in many areas.
  • Additional Information: Owners have read-only access to additional project information, goals, and objectives.


  • Basic Info: Admins have more extensive permissions compared to Owners. They can view, edit, and create entries in most categories like project types, design requirements, and user roles.
  • PRD: Admins have permissions to browse, add, edit, and delete PRD groups and items. This role is crucial for managing the detailed aspects of project documentation.
  • Tasks Level: Admins can manage tasks by editing titles, scheduled delivery dates, hours, costs, and other critical parameters.


  • Basic Info: Sales users have the capability to view and edit project-related information but have restricted creation and deletion rights.
  • PRD: Their permissions are similar to Admins but with fewer capabilities for editing and deleting PRD items.
  • Proposal: Sales roles are critical in handling the financial aspects, such as initiating payments and managing the pricing process.


  • Basic Info & PRD: Finance roles primarily involve viewing and managing financial data related to projects. They have specific permissions to handle cost and payment information but limited rights to edit or create other types of project data.

Collaborator & Member

  • General Permissions: Collaborators and members typically have the least permissions, focused on viewing and basic interactions with project data. They can contribute to discussions and view project progress but cannot make significant changes to project documentation or settings.

Permissions Matrix

The permissions matrix for each role is designed to ensure that users can only access and manipulate data relevant to their responsibilities. Here is a simplified example of what permissions might look like:

Functionality Owner Admin Sales Finance Collaborator Member
View Project Type  ✅
Edit Project Type
Create PRD Item  ❌
Delete PRD Group
View Financial Info
Initiate Payment

Understanding the roles and permissions within Crowdbotics is essential for effective project management and security. Each role is carefully designed to ensure that users have appropriate access based on their responsibilities. Properly configured permissions help maintain the integrity of project data and streamline collaboration among team members.

For further inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the support team at support@crowdbotics.com.