How to Cancel Your Subscription with Crowdbotics

Streamlining the Process to Downgrade Your Subscription

Are you considering downgrading your Crowdbotics subscription from paid to free? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly.

  1. Access Your Dashboard: Start by logging into your app's Dashboard on the Crowdbotics platform.

  2. Navigate to Plan Settings: Once logged in, locate the "Change Plan" option in the secondary navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen.

  3. Select the Free Plan: In the App Plan panel, you'll see a list of all available Crowdbotics pricing plans. Your current plan will be outlined in a red rectangle and marked with the "Current" button. Click the "Select" button under the leftmost "Community Free" plan.

  4. Confirm Your Selection: After clicking "Select," a confirmation popup will appear. Confirm your downgrade selection in the popup.

  5. Final Confirmation: Once confirmed, you'll receive another popup confirming that the downgrade has occurred successfully.

Important Notes:

  • Hosting Deactivation: With the downgrade, hosting for any parts of the app currently hosted via Crowdbotics (typically on Heroku) will be deactivated. Ensure you've made arrangements for alternative hosting.

  • GitHub Repository Access: Your GitHub repository associated with the app will become publicly accessible. Review and remove any sensitive content from the repository before proceeding.

  • App Maintenance: After downgrading, Crowdbotics will no longer provide updates, monitoring, or maintenance for your app. Be prepared for potential downtime.

  • API and Package Updates: Connected APIs and packages will no longer receive updates from Crowdbotics.

By following these steps, you can successfully cancel your Crowdbotics subscription and transition to the Free plan. For further assistance or questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at