What if I want to cancel my subscription?

This is a step-by-step guide on how to change your subscription from paid to free and cancel your paid services with Crowdbotics.

To downgrade your plan:

Please login to your app's Dashboard.

Select "Change Plan" from the secondary navbar on the left-hand side of the screen.

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The App Plan panel will appear. This panel displays all monthly Crowdbotics pricing plans, with your app's current pricing plan highlighted in gray.

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Click the "Select" button under the leftmost "Free" plan and confirm your selection in the popup that appears. After you confirm, there will be another popup confirming that the downgrade occurred. 

This will downgrade your app to the Free plan, cancelling all subscription payments which have not yet been charged.

Please note:

Hosting will be deactivated for any parts of the app hosted via Crowdbotics (currently hosted on Heroku), your database will be disabled, and we will stop storing automatic backups. You should ensure you have taken steps to move to your own hosting before then.

Your GitHub repo will become publicly accessible. Make sure there is no sensitive content left in your repo.

Crowdbotics will no longer update the app or provide monitoring or maintenance, so the app may go down without notice. 

Any connected APIs and packages will not be updated.