What is Professional Services?

Find out more about using Crowdbotics Professional Services

Sometimes you don't have time to build on your own, and you need to hire. We made this easy with the Tasks Tool, located on your App Dashboard. 
All members of the Crowdbotics Community are trained and vetted according to our Best Practices for Building Software. These are the same exact guidelines and rules we apply to our team and our own product. 
You will be billed for the Estimated Cost of the task you submit once you approve the cost. 
You can use Tasks to directly request an estimate for each step of your build and manage your budget on a task-by-task basis.
Adding tasks to your Crowdbotics project is simple. All you have to do is enter the task name…
…and click “Add Task” to create it.
Add as many tasks as you like to your list
But what if nothing comes to mind? What if you don’t know what steps you’re supposed to take to build an app?
Crowdbotics now has starter tasks for you, ready-to-go with a flat rate. These tasks are common steps required for most applications, listed neatly for use at your discretion.

Requesting a task estimate

You will find that our canned tasks don’t cover every single step required to build an app. You might also find that you need some help completing the custom tasks that you’ve created for yourself.
We want to be able to jump in if you need us, so we built the functionality for hiring our team members directly into the Tasks page on your App Dashboard. As soon as you request request developer assistance for any task, we’ll jump right on it.
To enlist the help of Crowdbotics team members:
  1. Select your task of choice
  2. Click “Request Estimate”
  3. Review and approve the estimate
Once you request help, our vetted developers will take a look and submit an estimate. Requesting, approving, and payment are all done directly in your App Dashboard.
Is it possible to request PM, developers, support covering near UK timezone?
All our PM’s are required to work PST. If you have a specific timezone request, we ask you to pay our specialist rate at $150/hour. However, most work is done asynchronously, so timezones are not typically an issue.
What to Expect
Once work begins on your project, we will move very quickly and request your feedback within the first few days. In general, the timeline goes from Request to Kickoff Call to Estimate, then we produce a Budgeting and Release Plan. After this is sent over, we will begin Storyboarding and then the first sprint. Each sprint takes one week and at the end of the week we request feedback. We will follow the weekly sprint schedule until your build is complete and all features are working bug-free and seamlessly.